The missing bits - Day 0 to Day 4

Minor apologies for the length of the following post, but it seemed a good idea to get it all out in one go. Here's the tale of the first half of the first week ... Day 0 - Travel day(s) (6th and 7th of Sept). Actually, for the support team the travel started on Friday (6th Sept). John and Tim were in a Landrover Defender, not the easiest of vehicles for long distance driving, so spread the northward journey over two days. Not the smoothest of starts; John found an oil leak that needed last minute repairs. After two attempts at the local garage, a repair was successful, but this meant that they left quite late in the day. They overnighted in a camp site just over the Scottish border, eventually setting up camp around 11 pm. They apparently had a good night whilst the rest of us were in our own beds. As Saturday dawned, the cycling team all made their last preparations for travel: destination Inverness youth hostel. Roy had the furthest to go, but was flying, so would spend t...